This is such sad news, Kathy. frown

I had noticed that Yael hadn't been around for a while, but I knew she was doing military service and often disappeared for months on end.

There's more information about the attack which killed her here:

If you scroll down, you'll see Yael listed as one of the victims. She was only 21. frown

After so many terrorist attacks around the world in places where FoLCs live, and so many times when I've been afraid that someone we know might be a victim, I was completely unprepared for this one.

Yael often wrote me feedback on my stories. She was an enthusiastic participant in the Kerth quizzes, and played Dan Scardino wonderfully - and poignantly - when we did the OUATIM roleplay on the fic list a few years ago.

I will miss you, Yael. Rest in peace. mecry


When will terrorists, whatever their cause, wherever they are, realise that murder and destruction does not get them what they want?! mad

Just a fly-by! *waves*