i haven't heard of any "code cracking." not sure how you can do that when the lotto numbers are determined by randomly drawn balls. unless you mean that someone somehow found a way to tell beforehand if a scratch-off ticket is a winner. but that wouldn't really help because (a) no one would let you stand there and scan a bunch of tickets before buying the one you want and (b) you'd have to sift through a heck of a lot of tickets.

the one system i have heard of works like this:

1. you carefully pick a lotto place and week when you think there will be a large jackpot. maybe even one that snowballed from a previous week when there was no winner.

2. you buy one ticket with every possible number. not always easy, but some places let you buy and preprint your own.

3. you win. you may have to split your winnings with others, but if you play things right, you'll spend a lot of money (about a million) to make even more money (several million).

4. the nice people who came up with this idea and kindly lent you the use of their ticket printers for the several days it took to print up a million tickets take their share and go to find someone else willing to pay them to win the lottery.

the system has been made illegal in some places, but others don't think it should be illegal. on the one hand, you're kind of defeating the purpose of the lotto. otoh, it's your right to buy as many tickets as you want.

so, is that what you're asking about, pel? it's the only system i've heard of.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.