As many of you know, I spent last year holding various leadership positions at my student newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel (at the University of North Carolina). The 15 hours days nearly killed me, but all the hardwork has paid off.

We just got word that we won the Pacemaker! The Pacemaker is awarded annually by the Associated College Press and is basically the college equivilent of a Pulitzer for best overall coverage.

From the ACP web site:

Judges select Pacemakers based on the following: coverage and content, quality of writing and reporting, leadership on the opinion page, evidence of in-depth reporting, design, photography, art and graphics.
As if that wasn't enough, were were also recently named "Best College Newspaper" by Princeton Review.

So we're walking on air here, and I just wanted to share that with all of you who've put up with my compulsive behavior about newsroom accuracy in stories and my erratic writing schedule due to my crazy hours.

Annie (who would cheer if she had any voice left at all, but she doesn't, so she'll have to settle for using exclamation points. <G>)

Editing to add: I just found out that of the two papers we submitted for special evaluation, I had the the lead front story in one. So now I'm even more excited. If anyone is interested in reading my story that led the winning entry, you can read it here: 6000 Gather to Reflect on 9/11

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen