As someone who has lived through her share of hurricanes, I just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with all those who find themselves in the path of Isabel. I'll be praying she continues to weaken, and passes through with a minimum of damage.

I also wanted to add one bit of advice, for anyone who has not experienced a hurricane. I'm sure you've seen on TV or heard all about the preparations to take, and hopefully you are all stocked up on bottled water, candles or flashlights, etc. You may or may not have heard that you should fill your tank with gas. My first experience with a hurricane was Hurricane Hugo. Back then, I heard this piece of advice and thought it only applied to people who were planning on evacuating (you know, to make sure you didn't run out of gas while driving to the evacuation center.) I later learned (through first hand experience) that after a hurricane, it is not uncommon to be without electricity for some time (often even days). Apparently, gas pumps don't work without electricity. You need a full tank in case it is awhile before you can get gas again. (sorry if this is obvious for most of you, but I didn't know that my first time)

- Vicki wave

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster