Thanks for posting that link. The site was a nice tribute to the heroism of that day. Of course the images are heartbreaking, but images cannot even compare to the vivid and awful memories of what it felt like to be a New Yorker on that day. I appreciated the sentiment of the site's creator though, right up until the end when images of UncleSamjustice/vengeance/God Bless Bush/we'll get Osama/let's get Saddam since he's the next best thing/etc. overlaid the other tributes. I really hate it when politics interferes with remembering and mourning. And remembering and mourning is all the anniversary should be about. Otherwise it muddies up the purity of both my personal grief as well as the purity of the national and international response. Everyone has an agenda and beliefs, they can support whoever they want to, but this is a day to mourn my friends.