I'm guessing a bit here, but my elementary detective skills tell me that someone in the fandom probably is infected with the Sobig-F virus.


Because I'm getting bounced-back emails from people I haven't sent emails to. Furthermore, the bouncebacks are coming into my yvonne@lcfanfic.com address, which no-one outside the fandom has been given (not by me, anyway!).

Sobig-F is a virus which sends emails from the infected computer. It steals email addresses from the infected computer and makes it look as if the emails it's sending comes from those addresses. Therefore, someone who has my lcfanfic.com address in their address book must be infected.

If you think there's any chance you're the infectee, could you please check by running an up-to-date virus scanner on your computer?

If you don't have such a thing, go to www.symantec.com/downloads or http://www.sophos.com/products/sav/eval/ and download a trial version. smile

Many thanks!