Hey all,

I am just taking this opportunity to vent about the stupid power outage in the Northeastern US and the Great Lakes States and Ontario. I know it isn't the worst blackout ever, but it was so widespread, so I was wondering if people that were affected are okay.

We've had power back since early this morning, but it's been blacking out sporadically durring the day -- I was at my friend's apartment on campus today and she didn't have any power, but she did have water. My house doesn't have water yet -- and it is really bad because my dad and sister are really sick and throwing up. We are on a high elevation, so it is taking a long time to get water back to us -- we might be the last people in the area to get power back -- even though we are the closest Southern suburb of Cleveland.

I am really irritated because yesterday when the power went out, I lost the story I was working on, my dad's resume I was helping him with, and the program I was working on and the changes to my MS thesis. frown frown frown

Gent said the exact cause remains unknown, but indications so far point to a downed 345,000 volt power line east of Cleveland, Ohio, on the "Lake Erie loop" -- a series of transmission lines around the lake -- as the source of the outage.
For once Cleveland is actually in the news -- on the same level as New York City (yeah right, the news last night seemed to forget that Cleveland was also blacked out and only cared about Detroit, Toronto, NY and NJ), but of course it had to be Cleveland that started the blackout. Yay for Cleveland frown . It still sort of makes me mad that CNN is only talking about New York. It affected a lot more places than New York.

EDIT: Oh great, the local news just said that the blackout is linked to the GM plant in Parma, Ohio . . . guess where I live . . . Parma, Ohio. How wonderful. The GM plant is on the other side of town from me, but wow Parma only makes the news for bad things frown

- Laura

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve