But the shame is that I got the number of French regions wrong.
You're kidding me, right Kaethel? <jk, well...>

Kaethel (wondering if Cyad is going to confiscate her French ID now...)
What's the use? You'd still got your "French/ European" driving license or passeport anyway...Besides, only the European participants that didn't reach the average score of 11 (you may have noticed questions 5 and 24 didn't really count wink ) get their ID confiscated (LOL+ eg).

But, as I kind of mucked up questions 5 and 9, along with forgetting Germany... and for those who don't wanna get a free point so easily, here are two other questions you can try:

5.2 "Neun und neunzig Luftballons" is a song interpretated by...?

9.2 Each year, in which German city does the most important and reknowned 'Bier' Festival take place?

As usual, no picking. And here you go for the...


5.2 Nina Hagen (hope I orthographed it right).

9.2 München...or Munich if you prefer.


Now, back to replying...

Can you tell I'm not European? (The only country in Europe I've ever been in was Spain... and I missed the question about Madrid! )
Not at all! And this things happen you know smile .

Not Mnemosyne, but Terpsihori (spelled in Greeklish).Thanks for the questions 9 and 14
Geez, Terpsichore! How could I have mistaken her for Mnemosyne? And here you go with that word 'thanks' again <g>, but you' re welcome laugh !

Carole smile1