Elisabeth and I both achieved 11 and we came up with the silly thing!!!

The really annoying thing is when the media decide that they don't like the image of Mikhail Garbachev's face and decide to print the image in reverse mad

It took looking at dozens of sites to make sure we had the right side of his head for the birthmark. (I had thought it was on the right but when the first site showed it on the left, I was shaken. On average, 75% of the sites show it on the right and so that is what we went with.)

we intentially tried to make this as international as possible, so don't feel too bad.

Hey! Why don't one of you Europeans make up one too. Then we Staters can be in the dark too!


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!