Umm.../me ducks

I think that maybe that quote was mine? I'm not sure though...seem to remember it being in connection with red hair?

Yeah, I got all those jokes during my years at school - people sterotype you for a particular thing in your appearance and it's very annoying, not to mention insulting.

But your story was so much worse than mine, Kitty! I have an auntie who is Sri Lankan, an uncle who is Chinese, countless English relatives and two aunts who are Buddists - it's amazing the amount of bias that is out there today.

Even when in school if I mentioned that I had English connections, there was an almighty uproar about how English people came into Ireland, taking our land and killing our men, women and children. This was from schoolkids - it's even worse when it comes from adults.

I have always have strong opinions on matters of race and creed and the amount of abuse my black aunt and cousins used to get made me so angry. But they never let it get to them.

I asked my aunt why once, and she replied that less than a century ago, she would have been getting so much worse. Ideas change and people change - and when people change, society changes.

I may sound a little naĆ­ve saying this, but I honestly believe that there will be a time when all people will be accepted for who they are, whether they are black, white, man, women, child, short, tall, thin or fat.

All you have to remember that "your most attractive feature is your heart and soul" and that people who slam you for superficial reasons are very, very sad.


Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black