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The American·British British·American Dictionary

scout = screaming abdabs

screaming abdabs expr n :
screaming meemies, literally a description of a lunatic having a screaming fit, and often of psychologically overwhelmed soldiers coming back from overly intense situations, but used as extreme exasperation, “she gives me the screaming abdabs!”.

Plonk = plonk

plonk n :
cheap table wine.

Word Reference.com

scout 1 [skaʊt]noun
1 a person, ship, or aircraft sent out to gain information
2 (Military) a person or unit despatched to reconnoitre the position of the enemy
3 (Sport) a person employed by a club to seek new players
4 the act or an instance of scouting
5 (esp. at Oxford University) a college servant
Compare: gyp3
6 (in Britain) a patrolman of a motoring organization
7 (informal) a fellow or companion verb
8 to examine or observe (anything) in order to obtain information
9 [tr; sometimes foll by out or up] to seek
10 [intransitive] to act as a scout for a sports club
11 [intr; foll by about or around] to go in search (for)

[ETYMOLOGY: 14th Century: from Old French ascouter to listen to, from Latin auscultare to auscultate]
'scouter noun

scout 2 [skaʊt] verb (archaic)
to reject (a person or thing) with contempt

[ETYMOLOGY: 17th Century: from Old Norse skuta derision]


plonk 1 [plɒŋk]
1 [often foll by down] to drop or be dropped, esp. heavily or suddenly
example: he plonked the money on the table
2 the act or sound of plonking
3 an exclamation imitative of this sound

plonk 2 [plɒŋk] noun (Brit., Austral., and N.Z.) (informal)
alcoholic drink, usually wine, esp. of inferior quality

[ETYMOLOGY: 20th Century: perhaps from French blanc white, as in vin blanc white wine]


Good Luck! blush


Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.