Just today I had this shocking news that my research advisor (I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Arlington) was moving to Florida in August, and he could no longer advise me.

He also told me that, as of August 31, I would be dismissed from my duties of Research Assistant. The thing is that the paychecks I receive every month are my only way of staying in the U.S.

I don't know if I will find another mean of supporting myself, or if I will have to return to Brazil and try for something else there.

Maybe it is for the better, since I didn't like working for him much, anyways.

Why do these advisors think that they are Gods, and that all the students know everything (he doesn't need to explain anything)?


P.S.: Sorry if I am offending anyone. I don't mean that all professors are like that, but this one makes me so mad!