Hmm...I *think* I know what you're looking for...I'll tell you what I did. This is pretty typical i.e. I didn't repeat any grades or anything.

3-4 yrs. old Pre-school
Started Kindergarten when I was 5
6-14 was grade school (or grammar school, same thing) Age group in parentheses
It went: 1st grade (6-7yrs old), 2nd grade (7-8yrs), 3rd grade(8-9yrs), 4th grade(9-10yrs), 5th grade(10-11yrs), 6th grade(11-12yrs), 7th grade(12-13yrs), 8th grade (13-14yrs)
Some schools stop their schooling at 5th grade, and for 6-8th it was called middle school or junior high, and you had to go to a completely different school for that. My school went preschool through 8th grade.

9th-12th grade
9th-"freshman year" (14-15yrs),
10th-"sophomore year" (15-16yrs),
11th-"junior year"(16-17yrs),
12th-"senior year"(17-18yrs) Some grammar schools do have their own high school, too, but it's not too common where I live.

And then college/university (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). Started when I was 18, hopefully I'll graduate when I'm 22. <g> But there are all sorts of mom took 7 years to graduate college, my friend took 5, etc. But *typically* it lasts 4 years.

Hope this helps. Ask away if you need anything else...can't help on the journalist front; I'm a chem major

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy