Um, well, Loriel, it's not so bad as all that. My room is on the fourth floor of our building, and my classroom is on the third. So it's either a matter of catching the elevator down a floor, or running down a flight of stairs if the elevator is being slow that day. My first class is at 7am, and I have my watch set five minutes fast, so I leave my room at 7am by my clock, and I'm there on time, or maybe a minute late by the clock in the classroom. Which itself is a minute or two fast in relation to official Korean time, which is automatically correct on everyone's cell phones - everyone but everyone (except me, it seems) carries a cell phone, and they use it for all sorts of things, not just communications...

Oh well smile

Melisma (under her Rock, knowing that she'll have to be a little more prompt once she goes home at the end of October...)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda