hmm. i don't know. when i signed up with AIM, i was using netscape as my main browser. maybe i got it with the package you mentioned, annie. in any case, when i signed up it told me that i had a new webmail addy all to myself, which used my screenname and password.

it's available off netscape's homepage, but if you haven't used yours in a while (if you even got one), it's probably gone.

you can sign up for a new one, though. highly reccomended if you need webmail. you don't get spam from them (unlike hotmail, they don't sell their addy lists and then build optional spam filters), it's fast and reliable (unlike mail which can sometimes take over a week to show up in your inbox), and it has some nice features.

like i said, i use it for my ficlist mail.

a cool little extra is that if you have it linked to your AIM account, AIM will let you know when there's new mail and you can log into the account from the AIM menu.

oh, and i have my AIM ID, pgwfolc, listed in my boards profile. many other folcs do that, too.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.