yeah, sounds very much like what DS9 did (and they did it pretty well, too).

also sounds like they're trying for a more star wars type feel... space action, rather than space exploration. explosions and special effects and stuff rather than plot (we'll see, but for once, i'm pessimistic). not that star wars didn't have plot (the old trillogy, at the least), but that seems to be the trend these days- pretty girls, big explosions, and other effects to keep the eyes busy so you don't notice everything that's missing. it's like cooks who don't want to bother with fancy ingredients and techniques, so they slap something together and pour spices on it to cover.

okay, i'll shut up now.

okay, maybe not.

one more thing and then i'll shut up...

i don't want to quote it here, since it's spoiler-related, but is anyone else bothered by "this is going to be a major change for the character, so expect a new uniform and a new hairstyle"? there's depth for you... [Linked Image]


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.