I thought the episode was OK, good and bad points, but mostly I got the feeling that it was the beginning of a "ramp-up" to the last 3 episodes. It seemed to be laying a lot of ground work -- Lana and Clark getting closer, Chloe's deteriating relationship with Clark and then developing a "working" relationship with Lionel, Lionel's not supporting Lex and Helen's relationship, and of coarse there's the kryptonite factor. confused

I too am sorely missing more of Martha's influence in Clark's life, but I was encouraged that after 41 episodes, Bo Kent (AKA Jonathan) actually gave Clark some GOOD advise (about using all his other powers that the FoTW's didn't have) without going all "hothead" to do it. wink

It shall be interesting for the rest of this season!!!! thumbsup

And YES -- lots of Chloe!! Yeah!!! clap

"Well, let's see, so far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, treated as your girlfriend, and I insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this. Mmm, mmm." -- Lois to Clark, 'Green, Green Glow of Home'