well, i use an older, more carbon-based (as opposed to silicon-based) PDA. less worry about data loss (just have to worry about coffee-related incidents), but the software options are rather limited. wink

still, i can do a net search with this computer, and that turned up a couple of useful pages.

this one offers a variety of freeware and shareware programs for palmOS, including a shareware program to read word files and a freeware program to convert txt to palm format.

this site is on geocities (so you'll have to deal with pop-ups if you don't have a blocker), but it has a whole categorized listing off palmOS freeware.

that one led me to this site, which has a huge shareware database. search for "ms word," and you'll come up with a few good hits.

this one has a list of freeware and shareware palm text editors.

this page looks more like what you were asking about, tho... a word2palm converter that supposedly even adds conversion buttons to word itself.

this site offers ebooks for palm pilots, and the associated ebook software. doesn't help for fic, but i thought i'd point it out.

hope that helps. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.