I like villains with a sense of humor (especially one I can laugh at or with):

TEMPUS! <<Sigh>> smile1

Prankster is growing on me since writing my prankster stories earlier this year.

Jefferson Cole (I loved that bit where he made notes to himself on the tape-recorder). clap He was great. I just hated the whole trial aspect around this episode. Has anyone written a story about him without it involving sending Lois to jail? (I mean, other than me.)

In the EVIL department:

Mindy Church is terrific with her stealth attack. (Although, the Churches themselves, I didn't like much.)

Jason Trask (Yes, they should have brought back B39! Scariest villains ever!)

Bad Brain (I only wish they had used him in an actual episode).

WORST Villains (as in RE-Write, people!)

Katie Banks / Herbie Saxe (Ghosts) - Yawn

Dr. Klaus Mensa (i.e. Fat Head from the Family Hour) - you've *got* to be kidding me!

Smart Kids ('nuf said) - Although, they might also fall into the category of Villains who weren't really bad (also really annoying type villain).

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.