Hmm... Fanfics involving Mxy (I don't want to say his full name, because that tends to call him.)

My first thought was one of my favorite fics, ML Thompson's really fun If At First You Don\'t Succeed... , which is kind of a mashup of "I'm Looking Through You" and "Mxymas". What if Mxy had done his time-loop thing in the first season, during the "invisible man" episode? As VirginiaR said in another thread:
I just finished getting sucked into this one! I second the recommendation. It's a mishmash of ILTY and Mxy (i.e. Groundhog's Day), and again shows why MLT is one of the best. She really looks at the whole story from every possible different angle.
Mxy also appears in Bobbart's Mxyover , where an elderly Lois gets an offer to do things over again. And, speaking of deals with supernatural creatures, in Wendy Richard's Devil\'s Bargain , Mxy tests the Man of Steel's ethics vs his love for Lois. Wendy also has Mxy play a cruel trick on L&C in Mxy and Match .

In the fanfic Season Six , Crystal Wimmer, in Hypergirl , wrote about what might have happened if Mxy had turned Lois and Clark's new baby into a teenager.

Shayne Terry pays homage, too in his hilarious "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" crossover fic, Retail . It tells us what happened to Anya after she was killed when the Hellmouth in Sunnydale collapsed:
All in all, it was better than she could have expected. After a thousand years of bloodshed and slaughter in her career as a vengeance demon, she hadn’t expected a few years of humanity to tip the balance of things, even if she had helped save the world. She’d expected to suffer in the blood pits of Arishnamar or worse for all eternity.

By comparison, retail wasn’t so bad.

She attempted to smile at the hulking man in the bright costume. The corner of her mouth twitched as she fought not to offer fashion advice.

The red cape was fetching, but wearing underwear on the outside had gone out with Madonna in the eighties. Still, there was something about him, with his all American good looks and his boyish charm...

“Could I interest you in collapsible boots and capes? They use genuine fifth dimensional technology to phase in and out of the universe on command. We can make them up in any fashion you’d like.”

He stopped for a moment and frowned. “This stuff is safe, isn’t it?”

She kept her smile carefully fixed on her face as she said “Absolutely safe.”

By the time he found out that the capes and boots were cursed, the store would be long gone, in another dimension.

Besides, what were the odds that he couldn’t handle the occasional imp infestation? It wasn’t as though Mr. Mxyzptlk was vicious or anything. He was just annoying. She’d be glad to be rid of his once a month visits to the shop.