Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
Whoops! I thought I'd already posted something on "Just Say Noah" related fanfics, but I haven't! My bad.

Nan Smith has Just Say... I Love You - "What would have happened if Lois hadn't thought of getting Star to help read that page they found at Larry Smiley's institute in the episode "Just Say Noah"? Find out in this short and steamy story."

Cristina does a Plot Untwist Challenge Fic in her Just Push REW - amusing as all the Untwists are.

I have to give a shout-out to this episode for providing the screen name of one of my favorite authors, Female Hawk . Don't miss her fics.
Actually, I think her screen name has other origins, as we pretty much figured out from "Aussie Rules". We only think it relates to this episode.

I have to say the dialogue was good, even if the villain was way over the top.

John Pack Lambert