One last thing I wanted to say was that I always wondered if maybe Jack suspected Clark was Superman by the end of this episode. I always got the impression that maybe that was where they would have gone with Jack had he not been dropped from the show.
I think that yes, Jack had figured it out, and his little comment at the end, some vague reference to "no one would believe me" was his little tip of the hat to Clark that he was going to keep quiet.

I think that this was one of the best plotted episodes of the series: nice setup having everyone trapped together, Lex not necessarily the enemy in this one, legitimately threatening villain, interesting use of a different kind of B-plot (a noir one set in the past).

But I don't really come back to this one that often. I guess for me, the Lois/ Clark scenes didn't pop as much as some other episodes, although for my fan video editing purposes, it has two *great* scenes that I use over and over: Superman lowering Lois in front of the DP logo in front of the building and "Lois" and "Clark" in the noir story launching themselves at each other for the kiss in the office.