blush Guilty nail-biter here, too!

I've always chewed my nails. And no matter how many times people tell me the germs and complete and utter grodiness underneath them, after a while, I always end up right back where I started... I stopped for almost 3 years when I wore braces, and then a good while with retainers after that (until I quit wearing them), but even that wasn't enough for me. I still do it when stressed. /currently looking at my nails, only three of them are in quasi-good condition, and that's total/ Unfortunately, looking at my 2012 schedule, I don't think nail biting is on the top of my resolutions list.

Nails look cool, tho! I had to monitor a "beauty salon" with my little cousins a week ago- and let me tell you, it was messy! Yours look good!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain