
For Clark, I got quite a few. LoL.

1. Gi and Hakama -- it's what kendo artists wear. I know it's reaching, but if they'd done a "Soulmates" thing with Clark as a rounin (masterless samurai) and Lois as a European orphan-turned-geisha-cum-spy (I know, I know, I'm reaching!!!) who found solace in each other during the Bakumatsu Civil War before the Meiji Restoration, with Clark as a Royalist and Lois as a Rebel... I think I just got myself a plot-bunny. Damn. lol. I doubt anyone would wanna read that though. frown Besides, we still have that WIP.

2. Native American ala Dances with Wolves outfit -- Dean's look is so universal he'd get away with almost anything. lol.

3. Gladiator Outfit (Maximus! Maximus!)

4. A Centurion Outfit (Hail, Caesar!)


Just got married (21st June 2010).