I just feel like Lois had more attractive, more feminine outfits in S1 and S2. In S3 and S4 they started sticking her into these unflattering pantsuits and there were no more harem costumes with 7 veils, cocktail dresses, and sexy yellow-chicken outfits. What gives?!

It's like when Lois and Clark got together, Lois just started to dress LIKE Clark instead or FOR Clark. T_T

Lois's outfits for S1 and S2 were some of the nicest classic office outfits I've ever seen. I've had a good number of them copied for me to wear (I teach in a university). I also liked the whimsicality of her costumes for the first two seasons. I really admired how she could do a lot of amazing things in these knockout professional outfits AND HEELS! i know -- major suspension of disbelief but it IS a show, and aesthetics counts for a lot! T_T

Ooh, and I liked the first wedding dress better than the second. I was groaning at the little bow on the veil that came with the second dress.

Off-topic: I liked Clark's country-gent tux in the first wedding better too, but that's a whole other thread.

Just got married (21st June 2010).