Great tangent guys, I’m glad this little question sparked a good thread.

It's the narrative and the context in which writers develop that narrative that counts
Good point CC, and I think taking this into account makes me more impressed with Erica's portrayal of Lois. Let’s be honest, SV is not a particularly well written show, however you have to commend Erica’s job of sticking to the character of Lois Lane. In her I see a strong, feisty, stop at no limits kick ass heroine. Yet she still has had some scenes which allow her to show a soft side as well.

I started watching SV when it first came onto our screens because I love Superman, but that only lasted a couple of episodes when I realised how bad it was. The introduction of Lois made me watch again, but she wasn’t on it enough and Lana made me puke. Now that Lana is gone and Lois is getting some quality screen time I’m starting to enjoy it

Eric Durance may be a very good Lois, but her Lois Lane is limited by Smallville's reconning of the character so that she has become just one of the recharacterised Smallville Clark's collection of women.
Hmmm see I think I’d have to disagree with this comment. Sure I can understand that may have been the case s4-6 or 7 but she was always Lois in her little screen time. S8-9 she has really shined and I think she totally dominates Clark in that typical Lois fashion (well LnC style anyway) when it comes to reporting and holding her own.

(Smallville is after all a teen angst show, modelled more on Buffy and deGrassi - I'm betting next season they'll add in musical bits a la Glee)
Omg this should probably be addressed in an off topic thread, but as a die hard Buffy fan, it sickened me seeing Smallville compared with Buffy. SV couldn’t be more out of Buffy’s league! But I guess you’re right in that SV has the same model of freak of the week and teen angst. I guess you could say, Buffy showed how it should be done and SV showed how it shouldn’t be done. Also at its core, Buffy had established a much more realistic plot driver than SV. The Hellmouth and its gravitational pull on demons and vampires was way more realistic than the hundreds of ‘meteor freaks’ SV used to keep coming up with. Plus most of these demons actually represented real teen angst issues, Joss Whedon was great when it came to this.

Ok back on topic, this Bailey guy sounds like an idiot

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