That is what's so great about FanFic, being able to answer those questions that always nagged you. At least that's why I write FanFic.

EditorJax: And I'd ask them just what the heck happened in front of her window the night before he left for New Krypton! A sudden urge to examine the carpet fibers ... or something more?!?
In Missing Lois I answer this question... it's exactally what it looks like happened. laugh That baby from the end of S4 had to come from SOMEWHERE!

Deadly Chakram: I'd ask them both that since Clark was flying to New Krypton to stop a civil war (NOT an overnight trip) just how long did they think they could fool Perry that Clark was "out hitting the pavement."
I also answer this question in Missing Lois, Lois takes over and writes Clark's stories for him while he's gone.

CarolM: Why didn't you just fly off to Vegas instead of going to the stupid class reunion?
I've often wondered this myself. Anyone ever write an answer to that question?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.