Okay, so forgive me because I think I’m in this kind of sappy, sentimental mood, but I just wanted to write this quick thank you note on here. I discovered L and C probably… 3 years ago, I think, WELL after the show was over and done with, of course, and I had a blast writing things and reading all the incredible writing that went on here! Honestly, most of the stuff on these boards puts the show to shame. The fanfic writers on here are top notch. Everyone was SO welcoming and so helpful and pretty much the highlight of my day was racing back to see what was updated and what new things were going on. Anyway, eventually I watched all the episodes so many times that my well of fanfiction ideas pretty much went dry. I started watching Bones and finally discovered the X-Files (uh, hello? Where was I during the 90s?), but I never really felt the urge or felt like I had the ability to write those characters very well. Nothing like I felt toward Lois and Clark! Anyway, so that’s where I am now, just reading and writing a little. I checked out these messageboards for the first time in months, today, however, and I just couldn’t believe how much I have missed everyone and the camaraderie on these boards! Looking around now, I see that not much has changed and everyone is still helpful, witty, and frankly… somewhat brilliant. I’ve never found a fandom with such unity! Really, the point of this somewhat sappy note is to assuage this weird kind of homesickness I have for these boards, and to congratulate and thank everyone who makes this community one of the best on the net!

So… thanks guys. I mean it. I really think these boards and the people I met here shaped a lot of how I am today. You know, understanding the value of constructive criticism, unflagging support and brilliant writing. …thanks guys!

Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile