Originally posted by Elisabeth:
Hmm... We're only looking for 6, 8 and 9?

1) Is anybody on the list related to anyone else on the list? (Not like in the episode where Jimmy and Cat were related, but directly related through marriage, adoption or blood.)

2) (I realized that Jimmy didn't have a thing for her because she's probably close to 30.) Did #6 ever meet Justin Whalen?
Technically that is three questions, but since I am married to you, you get special treatment.

Q0 Yes, we are looking at 6,8,9
Q1 Through marriage, adoption or blood, No. But #8 & #9 vaguely share the same line of work.
Q2 Yes.

Originally posted by Classicalla:

Is # 8 Jonathan?
Is # 9 Cat Grant? (Not that I’m really sure she wouldn’t let anyone be eaten.)
Q1 No.
Q2 No.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!