I'm still on the computer so I'm just gonna put the U in wink

Yes/,/ a--/ you/ shou--/ a-so/ --o-/ that/ -ust/ -ecause/ - /-ay/ qua---y/ -or/ -e--ersh--/ --/ the/ -ray/ -a-thers/,/ that/ -oes-'t/ -ea-/ -'- / s-o----/ -o--/. / A--/ -t/ -oes-'t/ -ea-/ that/ -/ ha-e/ to/ sto-/ -ro----/,/ ex-er--e-t---/,/ th------/,/ -a----/ -r-e--s/ --th/ --terest---/ -eo--e/.

"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet