I have only one problem with this take on Lois - I don't like this version of her very much! I want her to be more independent, more able to stand up for herself, more able to shrug off the fact that others may frown on her for being single, more unapologetic about the fact that she hasn't met the right guy yet, more able to accept the fact that if she never finds him, she will remain single.
For what it's worth, I firmly believe that Lois tells herself exactly what Ann said. But there's a wide chasm sometimes between what we believe about ourselves or our motives and what's actually happening. Lex read Lois perfectly - he flattered her into dating him and then systematically destroyed everything that she used to define herself. I don't blame her for almost marrying the guy - for that much money I'd probably marry him too. wink

That's why I love the Lois of LnC so much - she's not a comic book character (at least not in the first two seasons of the show). She was complex and intelligent and yet so wonderfully blind to what was right there in front of her.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis