I'm going to try my best to finish this tonight!! (Does 3am still count as night? <g>)

She was - no, she had been; not any more - the best investigative reporter in the business.
Oh!! frown It's so sad that she's lost confidence in herself. Sure, you could take this comment as literal - that she isn't *currently* a reporter, therefore she can't be the best, but we know that Lois doesn't think that way. Hopefully, Clark can restore her trust in her, her self-confidence. (And btw... that kiss we've been waiting for wouldn't hurt either!! wink )

Lex was in prison! That could mean that she was safe - he couldn’t try to kill her from a prison-cell, could he?
Well... yeah, he probably could. And I'm not so sure about him actually *staying* in prison. frown

Lois turned to Clark; he scribbled for a second and then handed her a piece of very neatly-written-on paper. She raised her eyebrow. Super-hearing and super-speed. Right.
Hee hee!! That's cute!! I love it when Clark does simple little things like this! *sigh*

“Hey, if anybody’s going to wring your neck one of these days, Lane, it’s going to be me.” And with a short bark of laughter Henderson hung up.
Awwww!! smile

“Yeah, but neither Luthor nor this Nigel know who they’re dealing with,” Clark reminded her, wanting to reach out for her again but unsure if she’d welcome it now. He could see how hard she was fighting to keep control of her emotions. “If they want you, they’ve got to come through me.”
smile smile

He nodded. That was something he’d been aware of for some time - that, while he couldn’t be hurt, his parents could. It had forced him to limit his activities considerably. “Yeah. That’s what I hate, you know? There’s so much I could do - stuff I’d love to be able to do. But if the world knew that Clark Kent could stop avalanches or put out fires with his breath or land planes on his back...”
dance I see Superman in the near future!!! <g>

Clark shrugged. “Just things I’ve done a couple of times.”

“You what?”
LOL!!! I love his nonchalance!!

Lois was looking thoughtful. Suddenly, she looked up, and he could see a light in her eyes which worried him slightly. It held determination and inspiration; it made him wonder if he was seeing Lois Lane, famous investigative reporter, once more.

“You know what you need?” she said, her tone suggesting that she intended to brook no argument.

“What?” he asked warily.
LOL! I love that he's wary! Here comes Superman!! laugh

“Probably,” Clark agreed. And it was something else he’d done secretly in the past. “Lois, the problem is that people tend to be... well, scared of anyone who’s different. And when those differences include making someone powerful enough to... Lois, if I wanted, I could take over the world! There’s nothing strong enough to beat me. I could crush a human being between two fingers if I wanted to. That’s more than enough for people - for governments - to decide that I’m a threat.”
Awww!!! frown

“...and, in breaking news, this shock report: Lex Luthor, head of LexCorp, Luthor Industries and a number of other companies, has been arrested on charges of receiving stolen goods after several priceless art treasures were found in his possession and with his fingerprints on them. In even more disturbing news, our sources within the MPD suggest that Mr Luthor is also being questioned concerning the disappearance of his wife, Lois Lane Luthor, who it appears may not have perished in Lake Superior, as was reported yesterday.

Yay!!! A quick wrap up!!!! Now... nothing better go wrong!! You hear me, Wendy?!

Sara (who is kind of worried... there *are* 3 more parts left...)

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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