1. There’s something behind the ladder that has lines removed.
2. The shadow on the floor near the front of the picture has been removed.
3. Toward the upper right hand corner something has been brightened.
Well, that’s about it for me. The pictures were too dark.
Okay, I looked at the bigger ones and found a few more.
4. The tool chest or whatever it was behind Jimmy is shorter. Edit - I guess he's actually carrying that. 2nd edit - Okay, the original was shorter. The newer one is longer.
5. The thing behind the tool chest thing is missing a ‘ring’.
6. Jimmy has a black eye.
7. Something shiny on Jimmy’s belt has been removed.
8. Perry’s hair covers his ears.
9. Something hanging between Jimmy and Perry has had blue added to it.
That’s it for me.

Now, I'll look and see how well I did.

Well, if I didn't do what Woody suggested, I'd probably never see any of them - not without being able to put them on the same screen or side by side.

Edit: Perry’s tie is red? I don’t see that at all. I really don’t see the stripes at all...

I don’t see Kermit, either. Who found him?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~