well, i'm all for the "only my mother" line, too. laugh have to say.. my memory for eps i haven't watched in a while isn't particularly good. i once BRed for someone who was incorperating lines. didn't realize it. complimented some of them, and criticized others, right along with the rest of my comments. <g>

anyway, glad i took the time to catch up with this story. it's looking pretty cool. be reading part 5 in a sec.

before i do, tho, i wanted to mention...








the other vaccinations, i have little probem with. some varieties of hepetitis aren't that common, unless you go travelling around a lot.. which you could easily argue a reporter would.

however... MMR is a shot that vacinates you for 3 things at once. the two Ms stand for Measles and Mumps. so, it's a bit redundant to ask about Measles, Mumps, and MMR. (the R is for something called "rubella." not certain of the spelling)

smallpox, otoh... no one was vaccinated for smallpox back in 97. back then, there were 2 samples of smallpox known to exist in the entire world... the US CDC (just in case), and the russian equivalent (for the same reason).

it was basically like nukes... smallpox had been extinct for long enough that no one had an immunity to it. so, a frozen sample was kept, on the off chance that someone chose to use it as a weapon. since both the US and the USSR had samples, neither one was about to use it on the other.

in the last year or so, people have gotten a bit paranoid, however, and so they took the smallpox sample out of the CDC and started making vaccines. workers in various government facilities were offered the vaccine, but even now only a tiny percentage of people have gotten it.

oh... tetnus... that's one that needs a periodic booster (every decade). even if she'd been vaccinated before, the relevant question is whether she's current.

anyway, enough with the random vaccine info... off to read part 5. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.