Hello. I was thinking about some similarities between Lois and Clark and other shows/movies the other day and thought it would be fun to see what other people might have noticed.

Just for fun...

So, I'll go first with a couple. Have you ever noticed that some of the plot lines to episodes of Lois and Clark seemed to end up as movies later on? I was thinking specifically of "All Shook Up" and "Virtually Destroyed". ASU was written back in the 93/94 season of LNC and then, low and behold, in 1998 the movie "Armageddon" comes out in theatres. Now, I realize that the plots aren't totally the same, obviously. But it was the first movie I remembered that addressed the idea of a huge asteroid crashing into the Earth. It just reminded me of ASU... and I thought it was funny that it came out four years later...

Oh, and then there's the movie "The Matrix". Matrix came out in 1999. Dean Cain wrote "VD" during the 95/96 Season, 3 years before Matrix. A lot of the basic principals were the same. The Matrix was simplistically just a virtual world for people to live in, that seemed like real life. Oh, and then there was that "girl in the red dress". Remember in the Matrix, Mouse - I think that was his name - created that girl in the red dress... the one that distracted Neo? Well, if you'll notice next time you watch VD, there was also an attractive woman in a very high-cut red dress as well.

Then, there's all the actors who made appearances in Lois & Clark, who I've noticed showing up in stuff now. Off the top of my head, two that I can think of are supporting characters in "Lost" on ABC. The woman from "GGGoH" who held Lois captive (and Lois managed to appeal to her to let her go) stars in "Lost" as one of the planewrecked islanders. Also in the LNC episode "The Prankster", there was a guy who had been in prison with the Prankster, and he offered Lois and Clark information for like $20,000... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he plays "Desmond" on Lost (the guy who had been pushing the button in the bunker). I couldn't find anything to say if he had guest starred on LNC and I was too lazy to get my DVD's out to check and see if his name was in the credits of The Prankster (Henry Ian Cusick).

Anyway, that's just a few off the top of my head. Anyone else got anything interesting?

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.