Laura, I was really hesitant about reading this story when I read the first few parts and saw what was happening to Rachel at the orphanage. I cowardly stayed away and then decided to read part 5 just now. It was wonderful. I agree with Pam - it breaks my heart to see how fearful Rachel has become of all men because in her limited experience, all the men she has known before Clark, Jimmy and Perry have hurt her. Poor little thing.

Excellent job showing Clark's parenting skills - I could picture Rachel standing there with her little arms crossed and the defiant expression I see on my 8 year old's face a little more than I would like to! help

I can't wait to see Lois and Clark being able to formally adopt Rachel and for them to destroy the baby selling operation and the slime that created and run it. mad

More please!

Vicki smile

The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.