Hmmm...let's see. My husband and I...

* met at work
* were friends for a year before we started dating


* is wonderfully sweet
* cooks way more than I do
* took an honesty test during a job interview and was told that no one is that honest so he must have been lying

while I...

* am very stubborn and headstrong
* swore I'd never get married before I met him
* love reading romance novels but usually keep them in book covers
* had a pageboy haircut for years but now it's only halfway down my neck

We do fight sometimes, usually because neither one wants to give in, but we've been married for almost 17 years (end of this month in fact).

And finally, here's our engagement picture:

[Linked Image]

I still like to tease him by callng him "my Clark"...

Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993