CKWB - As much as I don't like bright yellow - I was thinking the same thing for S3. S1 was blue, S2 was Red, I thought S3 should be yellow. They could have made it a nice yellow.

Anyway, if I'd gone with yellow for S3. I would have gone with Black for S4. For one thing, Clark looks stunning in black... blush and he wears that Black Kryptonian outfit in S4. Plus black is just an awesome/classy color in my opinion (okay, I know it's not really a color, but absence of color, but go with me here...) They could have had the Daily Planet background and stuff in gray. I think that would have looked real classy.

(I did actually like the gray okay, but on some discussions I read, some people absoutely hated it)

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.