Thanks for the reactions peeps smile
Ok if there are four episodes and Ive already seen two.. means there are 2 left *whoah i can do math* and that's just about how much I can record on my old little video recorder ^^ whii already looking forward to coming back from my vacation! :p well ok maybe not it's cool out here wink (I'm on Punta Verudela in Croatia - lots and lots of sun! but at the moment it's raining so I thought lets go to one of those internet places and check on my fave forum)well anyway am not going to talk to much or the bill will be very very high frown *hmm with less than 3 euros per hour... i guess i'll be broke - not*

well.. tnx again for reactions and er have a nice holiday everyone and see y'all in 2 weeks

I love the smell of fear in the newsroom.