This isn't for a fanfic so I'm posting it here. My brother and I were watching L&C tonight and he asked me if there were any way to find out what the movies were that Lois is flipping through the channels in the honeymoon suite. According to the script it's An Affair To Remember, and I think the little clip at the very end was, but I don't think the first clip was.

Here's the dialogue:
Johnny: You smell so good.
Woman: I washed my hair for you. I knew we'd be together so I... (kiss) I love you, Johnny.
Man: I love you. I love you so much I ache inside.
And then Lois changes the channel, thank goodness wink . But does anyone know what movie this was, or if it was really a movie at all? I originally thought they just made it up for the show, but Ian seems to think it's a real movie. Anyone know?

EDITED: I'm ashamed to say that like three minutes after I posted this I found the info myself wink I'm leaving it here since I can't delete the post and someone out there might find it interesting. Anyway, the movie is A Summer Place ; Johnny and Molly are played by Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee.

Isn't the internet wonderful?