I Love This Fandom!

I can't say that I remember exactly how I came across folcdom, but I'll be forever grateful that I did. In the last year, I've come back to this fandom to find a group of people whom are indescribably wonderful, witty, humo(u)rous, kind, generous, intelligent, resourceful… well the list goes on and on. In my hometown, I can count the number of close friends I have on one hand… well, I'd actually only need one finger for that. I really cherish the fact that I can sign online night or day and have a friend to talk to.

How weird is it that some of my dearest friends are people I've never met? It saddens me sometimes to think about how far away they are, but all I have to do is sign on to IRC and have Rachel bock at me, Julie throw a moose at me, Paul make a joke to cheer me up, Sas nag me to write something else… and they put a smile on my face.

And where else but folcdom, can you talk to your favorite author… even call her your friend, find the answer to the computer question that's been plaguing you, find someone from just about any profession or life experience if you ever need an answer, find a wealth of fiction of quality that far surpasses any of the published authors you've read, take a poll on how you should redecorate… the list goes on again…

I've never met a more fantastic group of people. I've never felt more at home. And I've never felt more loved.


Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile