I like to go with the idea that Superman can sort of control his aura at will and extend it to include whatever he's touching (or not). Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stop a speeding train or grab on to an aircraft without just having the metal deform under his hands. Remember the episode when he flew out into space to adjust the trajectory of a space station? He grabbed on to a tiny ledge on the side of the window and moved the entire space station by pushing on that!

Now, if the laws of physics had been in effect, that much force on that tiny ledge would have just caused it to break off. So, to satisfy my befuddled brain, I came up with this theory that he can include the object that he's touching in his aura of invulnerability, so that he would be able to move that object by applying massive force on an area the size of his hand without breaking or deforming the object.

Also, unless he could include Lois in his aura, he wouldn't have been able to air-dance with her in "Churches of Metropolis" -- she'd have crashed on the floor the moment he spun her.

At the same time, he can also choose *not* to include what he's holding in his aura, thereby enabling him to crush bullets, guns, and the like.

Just curious, has anyone ever brought this idea up before? smile I'm not sure if I'm rehashing something that has already been explained in series or comic canon.

"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
--Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996