
Guys i didn't expect so much from this silly picture. Damn you guys are good.

I was waiting if someone would e-mail me with an online deposit, but no. Nobody did that. I guess it's only me that does sth like that. Anyway...

Many of them made me LOL. But this one is so close to my MLTVs that I couldn't resist.

Perry: South of the border down Mexico way...

Lois: Chief not that I'm objecting but since when do you sing songs by Dean Martin?

Perry: Since Alice told me to give up my obsession with the King I do NOT have an obsession with Elvis!

Lois: Yes you do

Perry No I don't

Lois:Yes you do

Perry: Lois...hasn't anyone ever told you to respect your Chief?

Lois: No
So Dude... you´re up! laugh

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."