Last time on Caption Competition Theater...

Queen of the Capes posted a picture out of everyone's favorite episode involving lethal novelty office equipment, "Lucky Leon"!

Competition was fierce, with several solid entries.

It was a close call in the end. The judge even had to call in outside authority to make the final call. (Boy, we've all been there, haven't we? Remember the incident with the Canadian penny? That was a tight situation, wasn't it?)

Tension mounted, but the judges made their call.

We bring you live, now, to our latest winner, who will start the games anew...


Thanks to QotC and her Mom! I'm glad you liked it, and am honored to have been chosen from amongst such distinguished company. smile

So, time for a new pic, then.

Hmm. Well, a certain scene seems to have interested some FoLCs over in the challenge folder. So, let's see what you guys can do with this one...

[Linked Image]


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.