Originally posted by Xanabee:
I wish I'd known that, Melisma, then I sure would've included that too. frown
I'd like to tell everyone about that site - and I think I've mentioned it in several threads so far...

You do have to register to vote there, but I've gotten zero spam as a result of registering - they send out notes from time to time that let you know news about the shows you've voted for, but they don't sell your info to third parties, or keep harassing you about stuff themselves. So if you are worried about that... doesn't happen.

And it's just so cool to see the numbers going up for your show - for LnC it shows that there are nearly 1650 people who want it on DVD. Not bad for a 'show for five-year-olds' ten years after it aired, doncha think?!?!?!? laugh

Melisma (grinning like a fool, here under her Rock)

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda