there's another board i used to visit where there was one guy who had 5 or 6 nicks. he used to log on and then proceed to have arguments with himself, using one nick to lend support to another, while a third nick provided a handy dissenting opinion. each nick had an at least somewhat distinct personality.

aparantly, the guy had nothing better to do, and found the whole thing wildly entertaining. at one point he started a thread about the fact that he had multiple nicks, so he could brag about it and let us all know we'd been had.

well, a few people responded. several of them were not him. a few asked why he'd bother, which he didn't respond to. a couple said they'd been aware of it for a while and found the whole thing amusing. most members, myself among them, simply ignored him and moved on.


the only other thing i can think of offhand that hasn't been mentioned is the possibility that it's not actually the same person with multiple nicks, but rather two or more people sharing a computer (and perhaps a family email account or something). i know there are some married couples on the boards, as well as some mother-daughter pairings and such.

Paul, who only has one nick

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.