Doing some sample recordings from these TBS episodes, it looks like each episode is about the same length as the ones played on TNT (unedited), though my TBS recordings seem to be consistently about 5-10 seconds shorter than the TNT recordings. Not sure what accounts for that. Commercial breaks all seem to be in the same place, so it's likely they're broadcasting the same source material TNT was.

The first season tended to run 46-46 1/2 minutes long with a few exceptions running shorter, such as Strange Visitor (45 1/2 minutes).

I like DVD. I've got one of those set-top Philips DVD recorders and it's pretty cool to get 5 eps per DVD+RW in SVHS quality (recorded off of DirecTV and transferred to DVD from TiVo to cleanly edit out commercials). NO MORE VIDEO TAPES dance

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin