Carol M's On the Other Hand: Metropolis University freshmen Lois Lane and Clark Kent are destined to meet, but are they destined to fall in love? Set in the early twenty-first century, will they end up together or will Utopia have to find another way?

Does anyone know if this is a sequel? The title makes it sound that way.
No, it isn't a sequel. It starts when Lois and Clark are still university students and follows from there. It's a long story full of angst and heartbreak, most of time you want to hit Clark with a glowing green 2x4, but at the very last he redeems himself and there's a happy ending. laugh There's a sequel: Unanswered Prayers and there's the beginning of another sequel that sadly never got finished: Someone Else\'s Dreams

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15