Hi all,

I'm starting to finally write "Closure", my final story in my next-generation series. I've had the basic idea in my head for a number of years but haven't been able to find the time to write until recently.

With the idea that the super 'auras' are going to extend the lifespan of the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, I'm looking for suggestions for nicknames that an irreverent teenager could come up with for his grandparents and great-grandparents.

Here is a clunky example of what I mean - Clark and Lois - the great-grandparents could be Primo (male) and Prima (female) - for first generation - followed by Sam and Astrid being Secondo and Seconda for second generation, etc. However, this is as I mentioned above, a rather clunky example of what I want.

Somehow, though, that's not quite what I want. I want witty, irreverent but affectionate terms to use for the different generations without resorting to typing 'great-grandfather Clark'. First, I can't imagine who talks like that and secondly, I know I don't want to have to type it out in full very often.


I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.