Hi, Virginia. We do have a link to the legacy ebook wiki home page -- it's in the blue nav strip at the left on the archive front. But it probably would be friendlier to also include the link in the blip about the novels. Thanks for the jog on that.

I love the idea of monthly fanfic readings and discussion. FoLCs rock!

Speaking of people who rock, I must say thanks to KateB! She's been beefing up the epub and Kindle pages on the wiki, converting tons of stories for our ereaders. So if you've cruised by the wiki lately and found that the story you've been hoping to read on your ereader has been added, chances are good that KateB made it happen. Thanks, KateB!!

This would be a good time to say that the All the Novels page is not an actively updated page and so is not up-to-date: We've had many novel-sized stories added in 2013 that are not yet posted to that wiki page. But you can still get at the ereader versions of new novels via the What's New page. Updating the Novels page sounds like a good end-of-year project.

Best wishes,
